It’s one of your new year’s resolutions, you’re inspired by your friend’s Instagram posts, your doctor tells you that you need to be more active. There’s plenty of reasons why you might’ve gotten into running. But how does one get started? Or how does one start again after not having run for months or even years? We connected with three of our Injinji athletes who are also running coaches, on what the top tips are for running for beginners.

Coach Mike Wardian
The best way to start running is to start walking with some little jogs thrown in. This is a great way to work your legs into shape.
Beginner walk/run plan:
Day 1: 8 mins of walking and 2 mins of running
Day 2: 7 mins of walking and 3 mins of running
Day 3: 6 mins of walking and 4 mins of running
Day 4: 8 mins of walking and 2 mins of running
Day 5: 7 mins of walking and 3 mins of running
Day 6: 5 mins of running and 5 mins of walking
Day 7: 20 mins of walking
After day seven, continue to increase the amount of running and reduce the amount of walking.

Quick Tips:
Don't worry about how fast you are going, just go!
If you haven't gotten new shoes lately, I would highly recommend getting a new pair of shoes, as it will really help to protect your feet and joints.
Socks are huge for running and getting a few pairs of running socks will help you feel like you are part of the tribe.
If you can run on soft surfaces like dirt, grass, trails, treadmills, or a track. Start with this softer terrain in the initial few weeks so your body can get used to the load from running.
Pick somewhere beautiful to run! This will help to incentivize you to keep going; or choose a place you have always wanted to explore.

Jeffrey Stern
Definitely start slow and take days off between runs to allow your body to adapt slowly to the new stress and high impact forces of running. Make sure to develop a body maintenance routine of foam rolling, self-massage, stretching, etc. This will help you feel out the changes that are happening to your body as you add more volume and intensity down the line, and ultimately mitigate any aches and pains you get before they become serious issues.
Quick Tips:
Seek out your local running specialty shop to get fitted with the right shoes for your foot and your foot strike.
Add onto your runs no more than 10-15% each week.
After 3-4 weeks of building, be sure to add in a lighter week with less mileage. This half step back will allow you to continue to progress safely.
Get a second pair of shoes to add to your rotation! It's important to give your shoes a break from the pounding once you start running more days of the week than not.
Respect the rest days! This is when your body truly grows from all the hard work you put in on your feet. Stress + Rest = Growth.

Coach Jill Becker
Quick Tips:
Start slow with walking and running intervals, which are great for building endurance.
Always listen to your body.
Incorporate cross training, stability, strength, and core work to enhance your running and keep you feeling fresh.
Building mental toughness is a big part of running! Somedays runs will be tough, but remember, forward is the pace.
Be consistent, persistent, & never give up!
Ready to start training? Tag us in your pics and keep us updated on your progress via social media!