It’s lunchtime at Injinji HQ, but you won’t catch us slumped over at our desks with fast food in hand. In fact, most Injinji employees take our lunch hour as a great opportunity to break a sweat and get moving. We’re fortunate enough to have an “InjinGym” right here in our offices, where we test product on treadmills and host Yoga and Pilates classes for staff every other week. We also have a Crossfit gym right down the street which draws Injinji employees in with squat jumps, Olympic lifts, and more.
Crossfit has been gaining in popularity as a training program focusing on high-intensity training and cardio through compound movements. It can be a great resource for athletes of all levels as it provides a supportive community environment with trainers and fellow trainees. Each workout features a WOD, Workout of the Day, that is posted daily online and can be modified to suit your particular fitness level.
We asked our resident Crossfitter and Regional Sales Coordinator Nancy Stetson, who is known to crush a lunchtime Crossfit session all five days of the week, to share her story with us.
Q: How did you hear about Crossfit?
A: I had been hearing about Crossfit for years, but it was always from the wrong people who actually had never done it before. I heard that it was this intense horrible workout for crazy people and hearing that discouraged me from ever trying it. Well, almost two years ago, I met someone who actually did this intense workout and had great things to say about it, so I gave it a try.
Q: Tell us about your first experience with Crossfit.
A: I went into my first crossfit class blindly and had no idea what was about to hit me. The WOD that day was one of the hardest workouts I have ever done. The next thing I know, I am learning how to do a handstand against a wall! I have been hooked ever since. Everyone pushes and supports each other so much that you end up impressing yourself by the things you can accomplish, and that is such an empowering feeling.
Q: What are your favorite Injinji socks for Crossfit workouts?
A: I am lucky enough to work a few doors down from an awesome crossfit gym and fortunate enough to work for a company that promotes an active lifestyle, even on my lunch break! Naturally my socks are an integral part of my work out. I have been testing the new 2.0 Compressions over the past couple months and I love the length (over-the-calf) as it protects my legs against bumps and bruises from weight lifting bar and rope climbs. The circulation also really helps alleviate my sore muscles and keeps me pushing my limits every day I’m doing my WOD. Some classic Injinjis that are also a great fit for my shoes (I’m an Inov8 Crossfit gal)are the Performance Series Original Weight Crew sock and the Performance Series Original Weight PED sock. The Original weight is the perfect every day go-to performance sock and Crew length still offers some leg protection. When I feel like wearing a “barely there” sock especially on hot days but still want the protection it’s Ped time.
Overall Injinjis are excellent for Crossfitters as natural body alignment, balance and posture are all essential to achieve the best healthy work out and no other sock truly offers that like my toesocks.
Q: How has Crossfit impacted you?
A: As a woman, I feel Crossfit has not only helped me become stronger but it has also increased my happiness and overall confidence. I truly feel Crossfit has positive things to offer people at any age, weight, and size. Crossfit has changed my life in so many amazing ways and I want to encourage anyone who has not tried it to not judge it by what the haters say, give it a try, you may get hooked!