The Javelina Jundred is a 100-mile ultramarathon in the Arizona desert, known for its challenging looped course and festive, costume-filled atmosphere. Team Injinji Athlete Deb Hamberlin will run her 10th Javelina Jundred this week. As she reflects on her love for this race, she shares about her favorite moments and the vibrant desert energy that keeps her coming back for more.

What draws you back to Javelina Jundred, year after year?
This October, I am coming up on my 10th running of Javelina in either the 100-miler or 100k. This year, I am excited to (hopefully) get my 5-year Javelina Jundred finisher jacket. The first year I ran was in 2008 and it was my first 100-mile attempt. At that point in my ultrarunning life, I was trying to learn as much as possible and soak in everything that other runners were doing around me. Before the race, the medical team was taping runners’ feet and as I approached, he asked if I was wearing Injinji Socks. What were these socks that all the ultrarunners were wearing? Unfortunately, I only got a 100K finish that year (back in the day you could stop running early and get a 100K buckle) and my feet were wretched. After the race I went home and looked up Injinji and immediately bought a pair. I have been wearing Injinji socks on all of my runs and races ever since; and I came back to Javelina in 2010 and finished my first 100-mile race.
How would you describe the atmosphere at Javelina, compared to other 100-milers or ultra races you’ve competed in?
It has been 17 years since that first Javelina, and even in years I’m not racing you will find me there crewing, pacing or volunteering. Everyone knows the ultra-running community is amazing, but Javelina Jundred levels up the fun. Although the trails and the heat are pretty much the same every year (there have been a few adjustments going from 7 loops to 5, and changing the loop routes), Aravaipa Running has made improvements and adds new elements continuously. I keep coming back and am enthralled by their creativity. Javelina Jundred is a 100-mile race, but it is also a party in the desert and a celebration of the community coming together from all different backgrounds.

Do you have a favorite section of the Javelina Jundred course? What makes it so special?
As I mentioned, the race is formatted as a loop course and runners travel clockwise five times around, to and from ‘Jeadquarters.’ The best part of the course for me is coming into Jackass Junction. It is the aid station a little over halfway around the loop, and after that section the course turns into a very runnable downhill. If you still have legs, you can really bomb this section back to the start.
After so many years of running this race, is there one memory that stands out as the most meaningful?
Going into my 10th running of Javelina, I have so many race memories, from my sub-24 finish in 2012 to my DNF in 2017 (lots of learning that year – don’t hammer loop 2), but the best memory is probably my Javelina 100K win in 2014. That was a shocker for everyone, including me. Of course, back then the field was small and not nearly as competitive. In 2008, before there was even an Aravaipa Running, the race had a total 129 finishers between the two distances. Compare that to last year’s 996 finishers pulling runners from all over the country and beyond, with pros competing for Western States Golden Tickets.

Do you wear a costume, or do you prefer to keep your running outfit pretty standard? What’s the wildest costume you've seen on the course?
Anyone that has seen Javelina coverage knows that wearing costumes is highly encouraged and adds to the fun and character of the event. Because of the heat, I’ve kept costumes to a minimum. I’ve worn some zebra ears and tail one year, but I bow down to all those runners who are so creative and brave to wear what you do. For about 10 years, I remember watching “Fred Flintstone” race inside the full Flint mobile that he carried for 100 miles. Now that was a costume. He said it helped during the day because he had built-in shade!

Which pair of Injinji socks will you wear for the race?
I’m not sure if you will find me in a costume this year, but I will be wearing the Women’s Trail Midweight Crew sock. The Coolmax material keeps my feet cool and dry, and the fabric and design somehow eliminate blisters.
Keep Getting Outside!
Good luck to all the runners participating in this year’s Javelina Jundred festivities!